Ten things
Posted on | Sunday, May 22, 2011 | 1 Comment
Normally on Sundays I find ten pictures of different things that I find cute or lovely and I share them along with a short commentary. Today is a bit different, I'm not going to post ten things I love. I'm going to do a gratitude post instead. Life has been very hectic and upsetting this week. Very much at-the-end-of-my-rope-tie-a-knot-and-hang-on kind of week. I'm holding on, and I know it's going to get easier very soon, but it's still been incredibly difficult to focus on that fact.

Thunderbolts and lightning...
Posted on | Friday, May 20, 2011 | 2 Comments
A massive storm has been rolling through Oklahoma for the past twelve hours. Throughout the night the sky lit up with lightning and shook the house thunder. The storm came so close to our house that the force of the thunder caused the walls to shake. Twice lightning struck far too close for comfort -- in the field directly across our street. It sounded like the sky was about to break.

Posted on | Wednesday, May 18, 2011 | No Comments
I decided to be a little daring and try a new recipe today: ceviche (pronounced suh-VEE-chay)! I've heard of using acid to cook fish, but I never thought to try it myself. It seemed like it would, well, taste weird. I know that technically speaking it's cooked, but I couldn't shake the whole "cooked in acid" thing. It just seemed too strange, and maybe a little bit gross.

Posted on | Tuesday, May 17, 2011 | No Comments
Yesterday I had a lunch date with the lovely Hannah and her sweet baby girl, Rubey. Last time I saw them both it was only for a short visit at the apartment. Considering that I have not properly seen her in almost three months (I still cannot believe it's been that long, yeesh!) this needed to be rectified. Immediately. Besides, Hannah had a Chili's gift card that was itching to be used. And who doesn't love to eat at Chili's?

Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 15, 2011 | No Comments
Have any of you ever had one of those weeks were time flies by and even though so many things have happened you still feel like you have nothing to talk about? No? Oh. Well, be glad you don't. It's exhausting.
I have found a surplus of things I love, but yet as I sat down in front of my laptop my brain drew a blank. I'm hoping that this brain fog is because of finals week (which went better than expected, hooray!) and that every waking moment I am doing something. Packing, cleaning, working... No wonder it's so difficult to come up with a list this week! Hopefully it's not boring to anyone!
1. Roasted Kale
2. Italy
3. Aristocats
4. Tulips
I miss Hungary a lot. I still have dreams about it. There such a magic to the place, and there are things that are strictly special to Hungary which just adds to that magic. Pogácsa si one of those things. It's a type of savory scone that is extremely popular in Hungary. Every region makes its own version, or more than one variety, therefore they come in all different textures and flavors. So yummy.
Bory-vár (Bory Castle in English) is Székesfehérvár, Hungary. It's not a real castle in the sense of being a historical building, but more an artistic masterpiece. It was built by Janos Bory who spent every summer for 40 years, starting in the 1940's, building this beautiful castle. While I lived in Hungary we all went to Székesfehérvár for Mikulás and visited Bory-vár. It's truly impressive and beautiful.

You say goodbye, I say hello
Posted on | Saturday, May 14, 2011 | 1 Comment
We don't always realize how many people care about us until it's we say goodbye to them. I have lived in Oklahoma for over four years and in that time I've made wonderful friends and rekindled relationships with some people that I was lucky enough to know since I was a small child. I don't see many of these people often (as is often the case, sadly) but that doesn't make them any less important.

Breathe easy
Posted on | Friday, May 13, 2011 | No Comments
I had meant to post this yesterday but Blogger was acting up. Silly, silly Blogger.

Posted on | Tuesday, May 10, 2011 | No Comments

This Mother’s Day finds me awaiting 2 new lives into our family. One through adoption and one through birth. Both should be here in less 6 months. I don’t know what a family of 5 kids, 1 dog and 13 chickens looks like but I am heavily aware what chaos looks like. I can only assume it is similar.
In our current chaos motherhood seems like never ending discipline, diapers, pasta and cherrios; unmatching socks and piles of laundry; a fit of “nos” and “I don’t wannas”; nap times, toy story 3 and curious george. Somedays my job description is anything but glorious. But there is also those times of bliss and Justin Beiber melodies that make me forget how many poopy diapers I’ve changed and instead want to be no where else. It’s the kisses and hugs, the “thank you so very much for saving me” speeches, the belly laughs and tickle fights, the fighting over who gets to sit with mama, the baby feet and holding hands. Motherhood is conflicting.
And I’ve been conflicted. Last week was bad. And by bad I mean colds, migraines, pregnancy symptoms on top of a laundry list of work I “have” to be doing. I’ve had chronic migraine for 10 years, but have only thrown up during a migraine three times, twice being this week alone. Mike has worked God-knows-how-many hours, all I know I saw him Monday and Friday evening and unfortunately Friday was my migraine-puke-fest and not the romantic night I had anticipated.
It’s easy to throw a Sue Sylvester pity party and OD on gummy vitamins after the 2nd meal of the day the boys refuse to eat (yet asked for), you can’t hold anything down and you have 700 pictures to edit, a book to finish and more adoption paperwork that you even want to admit is left.
If your children are what keeps you going, you will run out of gas fast.
Children make crappy gods.
And if your plugging in to anything than the Life giving Blood of Christ, you will burn out, unfulfilled and disappointed. Children are a joy and motherhood is a blessing (poopy diapers, fits and all) but motherhood cannot fulfill you the way Jesus can. And serving the Lord through motherhood can make even the most chaotic households full of joy (I speak through experience on that one).
So let me worship the Lord through loving the children He’s given me. Not because they are my idols but because they are my blessings. Let me sing Him praise for their unceasing energy and lack of “mute” button. Let me encourage their imaginative play even when that means my tongs are used to fight evil. I ask for wisdom in how to guide these boys in becoming Godly men. But most importantly, certainly centrally, I pray that I can keep my eyes on Jesus, something that I forgot this week, and let my children be children and God be God without confusing the two, and through the power of Jesus be the mother He designed me to be.

Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 8, 2011 | No Comments
It's so wonderful to have one of my Ten Things I Love Sunday posts happen on Mother's Day. It's such a wonderful day, even if I don't necessarily get a break (a certain little boy is feeling sickly and is also been a mess-maker extraordinaire since this morning). Being a mom is almost like being in a not-so-secret club where once a year everyone gets breakfast in bed or something similar. If you are in it for that one day a year you've got the career.
Anyways, the ten things!
1. 100,000 Toothpicks

5. Derby Hats

Pizza party!
Posted on | Saturday, May 7, 2011 | No Comments
Today Mom, Dusty, Kael and myself all drove to Stillwater (about an hour and half from where we live) to meet with some family and have a going away/Mother's Day party at Hideaway Pizza. For those not in the know Hideaway Pizza is pretty darn yummy when it comes to pizza, although Dusty may beg to differ on that statement. He is more of a pizza connoisseur than I am.

Cinco de Mayo!
Posted on | Thursday, May 5, 2011 | No Comments
So today here are four fun and historical facts everyone should know about their favorite Mexican-inspired holiday. Enjoy!
1.) Cinco De Mayo Commemorates A Victory Over France
Mexico owed money to a number of European countries. However, in 1861 they stopped paying which obviously did not bode well. France, whose army hadn’t been defeated in 50 years, elected to force them to pay and while they were there decided taking over the country would be a grand idea. The French forces were larger, better equipped and better trained. However, on May 5, 1862, near the city of Puebla Mexicans armed with pitchforks and limited weaponry won The Battle of Puebla. Although the French ultimately won, Cinco de Mayo still commemorates that brave and unlikely battle.
2.) Cinco De Mayo Isn’t Mexico's Independence Day
The Mexican Independence Day, or “Grito de Dolores” ("Cry of Dolores"), is celebrated on September 16th, and honors Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic priest from the town of Dolores who declared war against the Spaniards in 1810. He ordered his church’s bells be rung and preached revolt on the steps in front. Spain didn’t recognize their independence until 1821, after nearly a decade of war. Mexicans celebrate this day with parades, ringing church bells and fiestas.
3.) Cinco De Mayo Is Celebrated In The U.S. On A Wider Scale Than In Mexico
Cinco de Mayo is not a federal holiday in Mexico. It’s more of a regional holiday that’s celebrated primarily in and around Puebla. It first gained popularity in the U.S. during the 1950s and 1960s, due in part to the Good Neighbor policy, a U.S. government effort implemented at the time to reach out to neighboring countries. Mexican-Americans embraced the holiday as their own day to celebrate their heritage.
4.) Chandler, Arizona Celebrates Cinco De Mayo With Chihuahua Racing
Since the Mexican army stampeded a huge pack of chihuahuas in front of them when attacking the French, Chandler remembers the battle with chihuahua racing. Just kidding. The chihuahuas had nothing to do with the battle, but the races happen anyway.

"You don't have to brush your teeth - just the ones you want to keep."
Posted on | Tuesday, May 3, 2011 | No Comments
Let me start of this blog post by saying that Kael in no way likes to have his head touched. This includes his face, ears, mouth, and neck. The boy just doesn't dig it. Usually we can bypass this -- brush his teeth while watching a movie, make it a game to wash his hair, heavily sedate him for his haircuts. Okay, maybe not that last one.

Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 1, 2011 | No Comments
This week has been marked by the accumulation of boxes, packing, and ridding myself of various un-needed furniture. Preparing to move cross-country feels so much easier knowing that I have gotten so much done already. I still have plenty to do, no doubt, but I feel completely confident that I can finish it all within my previously set deadline. Exciting!
This week I've also made some big personal changes. I've cut out gluten, dairy, and refined sugars from my diet. The first few days were a bit rough but now that I have gievn myself time to adjust to the changes I feel great. Of course one week isn't enough to know for sure if I'm just having a low flare week or if it's the food, but hopefully this tend of feeling good will continue.
Right, onto the ten things that I love this week. Enjoy!
1. Fingerprint Art
2. Pillows
I love maps. Old maps, new maps, even pillow maps! There's something about these that has me itching to buy them. I don't even know where to buy them, but ooooh how I want them!!
3. Elephants
Most of you know why elephants (and superglue) are so important to Alex and myself. For those who are late to the party read this blog post to catch up. Anyways, look at this baby elephant, or if I am trying to be zoologically correct a calf. Either way, aren't they the most adorable thing ever! Baby elephants = love.

Baby fever
Posted on | Friday, April 29, 2011 | No Comments

Posted on | Wednesday, April 27, 2011 | No Comments
I know most of the people who read this already are already aware -- but Tuscaloosa, AL and the surrounding area was hit by a devastating tornado this evening. Fatalities are being reported and there are areas that, from the pictures, looks to be completely destroyed. The video below gives a good idea of how severe the tornado was:
Untitled from Crimson Tide Productions on Vimeo.

Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!
Posted on | Tuesday, April 26, 2011 | No Comments
Earlier this spring I was given some very disheartening news. My step-Dad was informed that the vacation time he had wanted for my wedding had been cancelled. In fact, all vacation time for the summer months has been cancelled for all employees. The construction company he works for had bid on several very expensive contracts, the result being a great deal of work for the crew. They needed everyone on board. Which means no one gets time off.

Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, April 24, 2011 | 1 Comment
I almost forgot to do this again! Better late than never, right? Apologies if it looks a little sloppy, I am chasing around a very hyper four-year-old whilst combating a weather-induced flare up. At least I have a nice mug of roobios tea to keep me company and my list of ten wonderful things.
1. He Has Risen!
No matter what, this will always be something that I love. Love isn't even the right word. Gratitude? Humility? Reverence? I have such a strong and unspeakable surge of emotion when I think of the sacrifice Christ made for us. For sinners who are so undeserving. How great a love He has that He would give His life for my soul. My tarnished, small, insignificant soul. I love you, Lord. And I love today.
2. Books
3. Toasters
This super awesome do-dad is from Think Geek. How awesome would it be for your own toast to say "bite me" on it? Pretty awesome, I say. Let's not forget that the toaster itself is pretty darn cute, even without the pop art designs.
7. The People In Books
I wish I knew who had designed these shoes. The geek in me is having a complete fit about them. They're Starfleet Academy heels!!! Although I am a little bit concerned about them being red. Red is not a good color for Starfleet. Maybe I can swap them out for Pavel yellow or McCoy blue...

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