Posted on | Tuesday, May 10, 2011 | No Comments

Let me start this off by saying I read a lot of blogs. Blogs written by Moms, cooks, photographers, activists, and everything that falls between. I read about re-decorating kitchens and taking sporadic vacations to Italy. About God and family and the value of hard work. I love the window that a blog gives, it's a tiny slice of a person's life laid out for the world to see and learn from.
There is one blog I occasionally read by an incredible woman named Kim. She doesn't post very often, but when she does it's always with grace and purpose. She is the kind of person I want to be in many ways. She's smart, crafty, and an increeeeedible photographer. She loves her three boys and she loves God.
Kim also has a way with words. And today I want to share some of those with you. They are not mine in any way, but I hope that some of you benefit from them as much as I have. Enjoy.
This Mother’s Day finds me awaiting 2 new lives into our family. One through adoption and one through birth. Both should be here in less 6 months. I don’t know what a family of 5 kids, 1 dog and 13 chickens looks like but I am heavily aware what chaos looks like. I can only assume it is similar.
In our current chaos motherhood seems like never ending discipline, diapers, pasta and cherrios; unmatching socks and piles of laundry; a fit of “nos” and “I don’t wannas”; nap times, toy story 3 and curious george. Somedays my job description is anything but glorious. But there is also those times of bliss and Justin Beiber melodies that make me forget how many poopy diapers I’ve changed and instead want to be no where else. It’s the kisses and hugs, the “thank you so very much for saving me” speeches, the belly laughs and tickle fights, the fighting over who gets to sit with mama, the baby feet and holding hands. Motherhood is conflicting.
And I’ve been conflicted. Last week was bad. And by bad I mean colds, migraines, pregnancy symptoms on top of a laundry list of work I “have” to be doing. I’ve had chronic migraine for 10 years, but have only thrown up during a migraine three times, twice being this week alone. Mike has worked God-knows-how-many hours, all I know I saw him Monday and Friday evening and unfortunately Friday was my migraine-puke-fest and not the romantic night I had anticipated.
It’s easy to throw a Sue Sylvester pity party and OD on gummy vitamins after the 2nd meal of the day the boys refuse to eat (yet asked for), you can’t hold anything down and you have 700 pictures to edit, a book to finish and more adoption paperwork that you even want to admit is left.
If your children are what keeps you going, you will run out of gas fast.
Children make crappy gods.
And if your plugging in to anything than the Life giving Blood of Christ, you will burn out, unfulfilled and disappointed. Children are a joy and motherhood is a blessing (poopy diapers, fits and all) but motherhood cannot fulfill you the way Jesus can. And serving the Lord through motherhood can make even the most chaotic households full of joy (I speak through experience on that one).
So let me worship the Lord through loving the children He’s given me. Not because they are my idols but because they are my blessings. Let me sing Him praise for their unceasing energy and lack of “mute” button. Let me encourage their imaginative play even when that means my tongs are used to fight evil. I ask for wisdom in how to guide these boys in becoming Godly men. But most importantly, certainly centrally, I pray that I can keep my eyes on Jesus, something that I forgot this week, and let my children be children and God be God without confusing the two, and through the power of Jesus be the mother He designed me to be.

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