Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 8, 2011 | No Comments
It's so wonderful to have one of my Ten Things I Love Sunday posts happen on Mother's Day. It's such a wonderful day, even if I don't necessarily get a break (a certain little boy is feeling sickly and is also been a mess-maker extraordinaire since this morning). Being a mom is almost like being in a not-so-secret club where once a year everyone gets breakfast in bed or something similar. If you are in it for that one day a year you've got the career.
Anyways, the ten things!
1. 100,000 Toothpicks
Scott Weaver has spent 35 years on this insanely complex kinetic sculpture created entire of toothpicks. The sculpture titled Rolling through the Bay continues to be expanded on, even today. The elaborate sculpture is comprised of multiple “tours” that move pingpong balls through neighborhoods, historical locations, and iconic symbols of San Francisco, all recreated with a little glue, some toothpicks, and an incredible amount of ingenuity.
5. Derby Hats

This week's list would not be complete without this. I love being a mother, even when it's frustrating (and believe me, plenty of moments are). It's more rewarding that anything else has been during the entirety of my life. Being a mother has made a me a more patient, understanding, and gentle person. I have no idea where I would be now without Kael. I love that little boy so much.
2. St. Malo's Church

Ice cream and summer go hand in hand. And guess what this machine can do?! Whether you prefer ice cream, yogurt, sherbet, or sorbet, you can make 1 ½ quarts in 20 minutes! Think of the possibilities! There's even a pull-down lever for dispensing and a holder for your ice cream cones. Oh,Cuisinart’s Mix It In Soft-Serve Ice Cream Maker, one day you will be mine.
In 2009 I went on vacation to Colordao. We were driving around Allenspark (about 40 minutes from Colorado Springs) and stumbled upon this amazing church. It looks too perfect to be real, this picture doesn't even do it justice. It had been snowing when we arrived and it only added to it's beauty. I spent some time praying inside and I can say with absolute honesty it was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had.
3. I Choose You!
The nerd in me is so gleefully jubliant about this. I know I completely and entirely lack the dexterity to do this, but still! It's so geeky, so awesome, and so incredibly fun. I love things like this. It makes me lament having those awesome nail painting skills.
4. Ice Cream

5. Derby Hats
Now I don't actually watch the Kentucky Derby (just as I didn't get up at two or three in the morning to see a British couple wed), but there is something I do look forward to -- the hats. The amazing over-the-top, beautiful (and sometimes bizarre) hats. I'm a hat person. Although my head for some reason looks awful in most, I can't help but like them. If left to my own devices I might own several Derby-worthy designs as well.
6. Umbrellas
This picture is combining two things that I love: the color yellow and random cute things. Because honestly, this umbrella is wonderfully cute. It has ears for crying out loud! And who wouldn't want something so bright and happy during a rainy overcast day? Toss in some cut galoshes and you are set to take over the world with happiness.
7. Clafouti
This is so high on the foods I want to learn to cook/bake, you don't even know. Clafouti (pronounced kla-foo-TEE) is a divinely scrumptious food brought to us from where else? France! It'straditionally it was made with the first sweet cherries of the season, although I've seen pears and strawberries used as well. A clafoutis is a pudding of sorts, with the fruit covered by a thin pancake-like batter and baked in a hot oven until the batter has set. The best thing though? This dessert can pass for breakfast. Sold!
8. Puppies
I have nothing intelligent to add to this picture. It's puppies. In baby clothes. Hanging adorably on a laundry line. There is too much cute in this picture to find anything witty to say. Go ahead, you try to find something witty after looking at this picture.
9. Anita
When I was a little girl I wanted to be just like Anita -- bookish, beautiful, and rocking a senisble heel. She was so smart and loving, but still held fast to her beliefs (at least when it came to Pongo and Perdita) even when Cruella was breathing down her neck. I think I turned out pretty good, don't you? And I didn't even have to fall into a pond to fall in love with Alex.
10. Motherhood

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