Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 15, 2011 | No Comments
Have any of you ever had one of those weeks were time flies by and even though so many things have happened you still feel like you have nothing to talk about? No? Oh. Well, be glad you don't. It's exhausting.
I have found a surplus of things I love, but yet as I sat down in front of my laptop my brain drew a blank. I'm hoping that this brain fog is because of finals week (which went better than expected, hooray!) and that every waking moment I am doing something. Packing, cleaning, working... No wonder it's so difficult to come up with a list this week! Hopefully it's not boring to anyone!
1. Roasted Kale
This I think is my new favorite food. I was in the mood for some kale chips, but not in the mood for all the oil that would involves. So I racked my brain decided to try and make a healthier version. It turned out magnificently. Add some sauteed onions and minced garlic with a drizzling of champagne vinegar? It's phenomenal. I could eat this Every. Single. Day.
2. Italy
Or even Europe in general. There is something magical about Italy though. This is a picture of Bari, which is located on the heel of Italy. According to the photographer, Daniel Zollinger, often times the houses on these narrow streets have no real doors, "instead a curtain leads directly to the living room, which serves also as a parking lot for the Vespa".
3. Aristocats
This used to be one of my most favorite movies as a child. I love how simple Disney films used to be, the plot was simple and there was always some message that would come across (in this case, don't be a greedy person and help those in need). It makes me so happy that it's become one of Kael's favorite movie too.
4. Tulips
I'm sad that tulip season is almost over, they are my favorite flower. I love this different colors and shades that tulips come in, and how beautiful the flower is. It's simplistically gorgeous and vibrant. I can certainly see why Europe went crazy for this flower centuries back. It's truly lovely.
5. Pogácsa

I miss Hungary a lot. I still have dreams about it. There such a magic to the place, and there are things that are strictly special to Hungary which just adds to that magic. Pogácsa si one of those things. It's a type of savory scone that is extremely popular in Hungary. Every region makes its own version, or more than one variety, therefore they come in all different textures and flavors. So yummy.
I miss Hungary a lot. I still have dreams about it. There such a magic to the place, and there are things that are strictly special to Hungary which just adds to that magic. Pogácsa si one of those things. It's a type of savory scone that is extremely popular in Hungary. Every region makes its own version, or more than one variety, therefore they come in all different textures and flavors. So yummy.
6. I Choose You!

I wouldn't change how Alex proposed at all ever (a wonderful lakeside picnic followed by a walk in Shakespeare Garden? It was lovely), but I can't help but find this idea so adorable and geekily romantic. Even though I am not a Pokemon fan it's so sweet. I'm sure some girl was bouncing to the moon when they saw this.
7. Bory-vár, Székesfehérvár

Bory-vár (Bory Castle in English) is Székesfehérvár, Hungary. It's not a real castle in the sense of being a historical building, but more an artistic masterpiece. It was built by Janos Bory who spent every summer for 40 years, starting in the 1940's, building this beautiful castle. While I lived in Hungary we all went to Székesfehérvár for Mikulás and visited Bory-vár. It's truly impressive and beautiful.
Bory-vár (Bory Castle in English) is Székesfehérvár, Hungary. It's not a real castle in the sense of being a historical building, but more an artistic masterpiece. It was built by Janos Bory who spent every summer for 40 years, starting in the 1940's, building this beautiful castle. While I lived in Hungary we all went to Székesfehérvár for Mikulás and visited Bory-vár. It's truly impressive and beautiful.
8. Smiley Face Pancakes

Or, at least I think this a pancake griddle. Those look like pancakes, right? Even if it isn't a griddle, how cool is that idea? Smiley faced silver dollar pancakes for breakfast, maybe with a side of fruit compote or pure maple syrup... It would make just about everyone's morning!
9. Ice Cream Heels

I don't know what I would ever wear these heels with, but I so desperately want them. They look so fun and happy. I mean, they're high heels with ice cream cones painted on. It's like the perfect summer shoe. I would purposefully wear skirts and dresses daily just to show these guys off.
10. Elephant Truffles

Everyone here knows I love elephants. I adore elephants. And I also adore anything deliciously sweet. And anything cute. So you can only imagine how loudly I squealed when I saw this picture. And guess what? I found their website. They have a delivery service. Diet, you may very well meet your untimely end.

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