Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, May 1, 2011 | No Comments
This week has been marked by the accumulation of boxes, packing, and ridding myself of various un-needed furniture. Preparing to move cross-country feels so much easier knowing that I have gotten so much done already. I still have plenty to do, no doubt, but I feel completely confident that I can finish it all within my previously set deadline. Exciting!
This week I've also made some big personal changes. I've cut out gluten, dairy, and refined sugars from my diet. The first few days were a bit rough but now that I have gievn myself time to adjust to the changes I feel great. Of course one week isn't enough to know for sure if I'm just having a low flare week or if it's the food, but hopefully this tend of feeling good will continue.
Right, onto the ten things that I love this week. Enjoy!
1. Fingerprint Art
2. Pillows
I love maps. Old maps, new maps, even pillow maps! There's something about these that has me itching to buy them. I don't even know where to buy them, but ooooh how I want them!!
3. Elephants
Most of you know why elephants (and superglue) are so important to Alex and myself. For those who are late to the party read this blog post to catch up. Anyways, look at this baby elephant, or if I am trying to be zoologically correct a calf. Either way, aren't they the most adorable thing ever! Baby elephants = love.

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