Halloween redux

Posted on | Monday, November 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Last night I took Kael out trick or treating. Having a Family Fun Night at a local church is great and all, but you only get about ten good years before you become too old to run through a neighborhood with a pillow case filled with miscellaneous candy. How could I possibly refuse?! Not to mention, the kiddo needed to burn off some pent up energy.

We went with our neighbor and her daughter, Elizabeth, who dressed as Princess Ariel. This was the first year that I think Kael truly understood the concept of trick or treat. It was so great to watch him run from house to house yelling "Twick or Neat!", "Happy Habboneen!" My little ninja boy is growing up. D'aw.

Elizabeth and Kael, ready for some mischief and candy grabbing.

Of course all ninjas are equipped with a Conan the Barbarian replica sword. I thought everyone knew that.

Behold the Pumpkin Puppy! (I have to admit, the first thing I thought of upon seeing this costume clad schnauzer was "It's the Great Puppy Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!")

Pumpkins!! Or rather, Jack-o-Lanterns!!

This picture was ridiculously difficult to take. I think this was the fourth (or fifth?) attempt to get the flash to work in tandem with Kael looking at the camera and/or not running off to get more candy.

Stealthy ninjas run behind trees. It befuddles cameras and mommies alike!

There was one house that had me squeeing with child-like abandon. They went all out decorating. It was incredible. I was throwing a bit of a tantrum in their yard because I couldn't get better pictures than these. Believe me, I tried to! Just take my word on it -- this place wins the prize for 'Making Halloween Fun For Parents Again'.

Uh-Mazing. For serious.

Oh, and we ran into the Mad Hatter too! I chased him down the street so I could snag this picture and tell him he had an awesome costume. I don't think he was fully prepared for such levels of fame.

TWO NINJAS!! If you couldn't tell, my ninja is the polite one holding the door open for everyone else. I raise my nunchucking kids right, yo.

Awesome pumpkin carving skills deserve a rightful place in blogging history.

I think this might be the only picture of my costume in full detail. You gotta admit, it's pretty darn awesome. Although in the past 48 hours I have been called Little Bo Peep, a Princess, a Pirate, a Colonial Lady, and Tinkerbell. I Still think 'What Little Miss Muffet Would Look Like Had She Been Abducted By Pirates' is more suitable.

On a final note, we all realized that if you remove the mask from Kael's ninja costume he suddenly becomes a Jedi. Interesting.


One Response to “Halloween redux”

  1. Anonymous
    November 1, 2010 at 7:50 PM

    fun pictures! We had a great Halloween too. Your costume is sassy! ;o)


Photobucket I was born and raised in California. I have also lived in Hungary, Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, and I will be moving again this summer. Kael is my incredibly awesome kiddo who is growing up far too quickly, and Alex is my fiance who makes me happier than should be legally allowed. I write about them a lot. I'm mildly obsessed with cooking and photography. I write about those things, too.
