Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, February 27, 2011 | No Comments
Here's to week two! Does that make this a routine now?
I had a pretty big "lemon" happen this week. I've been hopping between feeling extremely sad and undeniably angry about it. I think this option may be a bit more conductive to my mental health.
2. The Sky.
One thing I love about where I live right now -- the sunsets are incredible. I can never quite capture them on camera, but they are still absolutely breath-taking.
3. Levitation.
I found this woman's blog earlier this week. Her "daily levitation" entries are both ethereal and a bit disconcerting.
4. Be Joyful.
5. Sand Castles.

Baby shower!
Posted on | Saturday, February 26, 2011 | No Comments
Today was Hannah's baby shower. I think she may have accidentally given me baby fever. Or at least a sudden urge to be pregnant again. Minus the swollen feet and inability to shave my legs for almost two months. If I can bypass that I would be really happy.

Friday's with Hannah
Posted on | Friday, February 25, 2011 | No Comments
Hannah and I decided to have an afternoon together. We normally work at the information desk on the same schedule, but since she's going to be a Mommy very soon that has changed a bit. My partner in crime is now at home versus sitting at the desk next to mine every morning.

Posted on | Thursday, February 24, 2011 | No Comments
I love my fiance. I really, really do. He's an awesome fella who brings out the super-awesome parts of me. And because I know he reads this, I am making a list of things just for him. The ABCs of Alex.
Bearded. And oh how I love it.
Cute. He really is.
Determined. If he decides he will do something, regardless of what that thing may be, it happens. I am willing to bet he could alter the gravitational pull of the Earth if he wanted.
Alex will not be deterred.
(See: Adamant)
Eloquent. He may not be this way with everyone, but sometimes the words he says inspire me. I wonder why the guy isn't a poet.
Faithful. I love that I can say without a doubt that Alex's puts God ahead of me. I love I can say the same back. I love that we both know how incredible that is.
Gentle. When I can't walk, or can't hardly move (Christmas comes to mind) and Alex treats me like the world's most precious possession. When I am well and healthy and bounding across the room, he treats me exactly the same.
Habilable. The boy can dress.
Irresistible. Well, I am marrying the guy. Kinda helps that I can't get enough of him.
Jocund. Although this is definitely accurate, I chose this word moreso because it looks funny. And Alex is funny, so it works.
Kinetic. He is always doing something, working on something, planning something. It's like the guy is in perpetual motion.
Loving. Elephant. Superglue. 10/11/12. Swizzlebop. There's only so many ways you can say it.
Mulish. You try getting him to change his mind once he has decided on something. Go on. Try.
(See: Adamant and Determined.)
Nonstop. (See: Kinetic)
Original. There is no one in the world like Alex. How many guys do you know will make metal gauntlets to match your steampunk chaps? Or brandish a plastic teal wand to make his Harry Potter Fangirling date explode with glee?
Perspicacious. He can read my mind. It's kinda spooky.
Ready. For tomorrow. For any foreseeable issues that may arise. For the zombie apocalypse...
Satirical. He makes me laugh so hard that I squeak. And then do that drunken seal clapping thing.
Tender. Mailing me a dozen roses for our anniversary. Making me metallic roses by hand just because. Talking me to sleep every night. There are so many moments that I catch myself asking whether or not this really is my life.
Unexpected. Most certainly, and in the best possible way.
Valorous. He opens doors, rubs feet, and slays dragons. The whole nine yards.
Wonderful. Like, totally.
Xerothermic. Not really.But do you know how hard it is to find a good adjective that starts with the letter 'X'?!
Youngish. Well, younger than me at any rate. And you always will be! Neener neener!!
Zig-a-zig-ah. Because you're what I want. What I really, really want.

180 days to go...
Posted on | Monday, February 21, 2011 | 1 Comment
Thus far I have:
-- Sent out my save the dates
-- Figured out the guest list and have it finalized
-- Reserved my venues for wedding and reception
-- Bought my wedding dress (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-- Have my hair and make up mostly set
-- Reserved my photographer
-- Purchased Alex's wedding ring and begun shopping for mine
-- Alex has picked his and the groomsmen's tuxes
-- Picked out bridemaid style/color dresses
-- Figured out what our menu will be for the recpetion and waiting for pricing from two caterers.
-- will be doing (cup)cake testing in March with Alex
-- Doing registry in the near future
-- Started brainstorming decor ideas for chapel and reception hall
In lieu of this list... why do I feel like I haven't gotten a thing done yet?! Does everyone feel this way when planning a wedding? If you click the link you'll see about five billion pictures. Some are things set in stone and others are simply ideas I am tossing around. Input is welcome!

Ten things I love Sunday
Posted on | Sunday, February 20, 2011 | 3 Comments
I've decided to start something new on this blog (and maybe add a bit of consistency). Every week I will list ten things that I love/like/adore. They can be things I have known about for a while or something brand new that I am dying to share. I think it will be fun and exciting! That and I keep finding random things on the internet and this gives me the perfect excuse to share them with everyone. Enjoy!
1. Yellow Things
Up until recently I didn't like the color yellow. At all. It was too bright and made me look like I was jaundiced. I avoided the color for years. Then on a whim I decided to give yellow a second chance. Lo and behold I love it! I don't know what's changed, but it's quickly becoming one of my most favorite colors.
2. This Baby
Look at this little fella! He is so cute! So freaking cute! I want one, I want a prickly little pet that I can dangerously snuggle and be overly smitten with. I would name him Rufus and we would be best friends for life.
3. This Picture
I love everything about this picture. The background looking almost magical and so vibrant, the navy dress, the hat (oh man, the hat is too perfect for words), her hair and how she pulls off wearing glasses AND having bangs so magnificently. Love love love.
I recently decided to try chocolate infused with chilli powder. It was UH-MAZING. So I tried adding it to my home make cocoa. Sooo goooood. It adds a depth of warmth and tingles the back of your throat and warms your belly. I can't believe I never thought of pairing the two before; they are a match made in heaven.
I used to paint my nails all the time. Crazy and vibrant colors like Key Lime and Butter Sunshine. I don't know what happened but for some reason I stopped. Last week out of boredom I took out my midnight blue and painted my nails. It was wonderful. Today they are teal and look like tiny gems that dance on my finger tips.
Who ever came up with this idea is awesome. Awesome. That is all.

Singing Nuns = Sound of Music. Sound of Music = The Best Movie Ever. Ergo, Singing Nuns = The Best Thing Ever. It's simple math, really.
I have been listening to her album almost nonstop for the past month. I can't stay away from it. Every song is unique, just as she is. Some of the songs are angry and loud, some are light and full of joy that bursts forth. I can listen to her music and feel a whole range of emotions, it's incredible. It's on my Bucket List to see her in concert.

An adventure is simply a well planned trip gone awry.
Posted on | Saturday, February 19, 2011 | 3 Comments
Today was absolutely perfect outside. The kind of weather that only happens once in a very rare while; not too hot, not too cold, a slight breeze in the air. The kind of weather that makes you ache to be outside enjoying it. I spent the first half of the day trying to tell myself to stay inside -- my house was a wreck and I had a mountain of homework. By noon the attempt became futile; dishes and homework would still be there in the evening, this weather wouldn't.

The power of technology
Posted on | Friday, February 18, 2011 | No Comments
Yesterday Katy and I went on an epic adventure into the great unknown.
Okay, not really. But Katy did take me to the most incredible thrift store in the tri-county area.
I am afraid this newly found revlation will cause more harm than good. Now I have a camera on me at ALL times. No one is safe from my blog. Bwhahaha!!!

Big things
Posted on | Tuesday, February 15, 2011 | 2 Comments

Posted on | Saturday, February 12, 2011 | No Comments
I really like making cookies. I like mixing together the ingredients and dolloping them onto a baking sheet. I like how the smells can permeate my house in the best possible way. I like taking that first bite when a cookie is fresh out of the oven and just a tad bit too hot. Above all though, I like when my cookies are not only good, but good for me.

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."
Posted on | Friday, February 11, 2011 | 1 Comment
Today has been busy. Incredibly busy. I went to Katy's house early in the morning and had my second trial run for hair and makeup (the initial attempt left me with a Victorian Era bouffant). We then drove across town to David's Bridal for the third time in a month to finalize and purchase my wedding dress. Before my appointment we spent an hour at DSW and I purchased my wedding shoes -- blue suede and fabulous. While wearing my future dress and feeling like a princess I had Katy model an array of bridesmaid dresses because I still couldn't 100% decide on a color. After about two hours I grudgingly switched back into my frumpy clothes and placed the order for my dress. It will be ready in April.
Then Katy and I went to Hobby Lobby and brainstormed centerpieces and decorations with much success before I finally high-tailed it home. And was subsequently greeted with bumper to bumper traffic. By the time Kael and I parked in front of my house I was exhausted and more than a little bit grumpy. It had been a great day, but a very long one.
As I was reaching to unlock the door my neighbor rushed outside and said I had received a package and ran into her house to get it for me.

Blame Alton.
Posted on | Wednesday, February 9, 2011 | 2 Comments
We're on our fifth snow day this month. I'm becoming a pro at this whole being cooped up with a rambunctious four year old thing. Thankfully this storm wasn't nearly as bad as the previous one. It left a good four inches outside but aside from that nothing major to report. It's already begun to melt.

Oh, bother
Posted on | Tuesday, February 8, 2011 | 2 Comments
I took some pictures yesterday afternoon just before leaving work. The college was shut down until Saturday due to the fact that maintenance was still trying to clear away the remnants of the blizzard. Being on campus Monday morning much of the snow has melted or been plowed away, although there are heaps of the slushy not-so-white stuff at various spots through out campus.

Posted on | Friday, February 4, 2011 | No Comments
I think I may have jinxed myself yesterday when I said I was going to visit Rene this afternoon. My thought had been that since a lot of the snow would be cleared by today it would be safe to travel further than the closest Mega-Mart. I woke this morning and as I peeked out my window I was greeted by newly fallen snow. More is coming down as I type this. Looking at the Weather Channel it looks like two more storms will be coming through this area before the end of next week.

Day three
Posted on | Thursday, February 3, 2011 | No Comments
We are on our third snow day here in Oklahoma. Most of the college campuses and public schools are closed (likely until Monday unless by some miracle all the snow melts between now and tomorrow morning). I would be excited about having a week off from school, except that with online classes I still have the joy of taking my exams and lessons even if the college itself is snowed in.
Oh bother.

Kael:1, Snowdrift:0
Posted on | Tuesday, February 1, 2011 | No Comments
The winds have died down enough to allow going a certain kiddo to play outside for short bursts of time. Not to mention said kiddo has been attempting to sneak out the front door since a little after one o'clock. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em right?

Snoooow day!
For the past few days Mr. Weatherman has been warning the Oklahoma populace that the "Snowpocalypse" was upon us. Since we have been told no less than five times this season that some treacherous winter storm was about to bombard us I wasn't holding my breath. That is, until the college I work for shut down last night and said campus would be closed today. I took a peek at my pantry and feeling that I could last several days locked indoors I shuffled off to bed to the sound of sleet racketing my windows.

- Ten things I love Sunday!
- Baby shower!
- Friday's with Hannah
- ABC's
- 180 days to go...
- Ten things I love Sunday
- An adventure is simply a well planned trip gone awry.
- The power of technology
- Big things
- Bananarama
- "I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds o...
- Blame Alton.
- Oh, bother
- More
- Day three
- Kael:1, Snowdrift:0
- Snoooow day!
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