Posted on | Friday, February 4, 2011 | No Comments
I think I may have jinxed myself yesterday when I said I was going to visit Rene this afternoon. My thought had been that since a lot of the snow would be cleared by today it would be safe to travel further than the closest Mega-Mart. I woke this morning and as I peeked out my window I was greeted by newly fallen snow. More is coming down as I type this. Looking at the Weather Channel it looks like two more storms will be coming through this area before the end of next week.
I did however take Kael outside to play in the snow in hopes of working out some of his pent up energy. I also let him have a bit of fun with the camera. He loves taking pictures, eventually I will need to do a blog post simply to show off his skills. He's rather good for a four year old.

So maybe having a week's worth of snow days isn't entirely awful. Although having adult company and conversation through a means other than Facebook would be incredible right about now. There is only so much Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks a parent can take before their brain begins dribbling out their ears.
I'm telling you, the boy has some serious talent. I need to get him his own camera. I think I might still have my old one hidden somewhere in the recesses of my bedroom, now that I think of it.
My kid is seriously awesome. Oh, and he loves the snow. If left to his own devices I think he would spend all day and all night in the fluffy white stuff.
Maybe I'll bake some cookies to keep myself occupied. Where did I put those eggs...

My Kid Is Awesome,
Things That Make Me Say 'Squee'
- Ten things I love Sunday!
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- Friday's with Hannah
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- 180 days to go...
- Ten things I love Sunday
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- The power of technology
- Big things
- Bananarama
- "I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds o...
- Blame Alton.
- Oh, bother
- More
- Day three
- Kael:1, Snowdrift:0
- Snoooow day!
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