Posted on | Thursday, February 24, 2011 | No Comments
I love my fiance. I really, really do. He's an awesome fella who brings out the super-awesome parts of me. And because I know he reads this, I am making a list of things just for him. The ABCs of Alex.
Adamant. You try changing his mind sometime.
Bearded. And oh how I love it.
Cute. He really is.
Determined. If he decides he will do something, regardless of what that thing may be, it happens. I am willing to bet he could alter the gravitational pull of the Earth if he wanted.
Bearded. And oh how I love it.
Cute. He really is.
Determined. If he decides he will do something, regardless of what that thing may be, it happens. I am willing to bet he could alter the gravitational pull of the Earth if he wanted.
Alex will not be deterred.
(See: Adamant)
Eloquent. He may not be this way with everyone, but sometimes the words he says inspire me. I wonder why the guy isn't a poet.
Faithful. I love that I can say without a doubt that Alex's puts God ahead of me. I love I can say the same back. I love that we both know how incredible that is.
Gentle. When I can't walk, or can't hardly move (Christmas comes to mind) and Alex treats me like the world's most precious possession. When I am well and healthy and bounding across the room, he treats me exactly the same.
Habilable. The boy can dress.
Irresistible. Well, I am marrying the guy. Kinda helps that I can't get enough of him.
(See: Bearded)
Jocund. Although this is definitely accurate, I chose this word moreso because it looks funny. And Alex is funny, so it works.
Kinetic. He is always doing something, working on something, planning something. It's like the guy is in perpetual motion.
Loving. Elephant. Superglue. 10/11/12. Swizzlebop. There's only so many ways you can say it.
Mulish. You try getting him to change his mind once he has decided on something. Go on. Try.
(See: Adamant and Determined.)
Nonstop. (See: Kinetic)
Original. There is no one in the world like Alex. How many guys do you know will make metal gauntlets to match your steampunk chaps? Or brandish a plastic teal wand to make his Harry Potter Fangirling date explode with glee?
Jocund. Although this is definitely accurate, I chose this word moreso because it looks funny. And Alex is funny, so it works.
Kinetic. He is always doing something, working on something, planning something. It's like the guy is in perpetual motion.
Loving. Elephant. Superglue. 10/11/12. Swizzlebop. There's only so many ways you can say it.
Mulish. You try getting him to change his mind once he has decided on something. Go on. Try.
(See: Adamant and Determined.)
Nonstop. (See: Kinetic)
Original. There is no one in the world like Alex. How many guys do you know will make metal gauntlets to match your steampunk chaps? Or brandish a plastic teal wand to make his Harry Potter Fangirling date explode with glee?
I rest my case.
Perspicacious. He can read my mind. It's kinda spooky.
Ready. For tomorrow. For any foreseeable issues that may arise. For the zombie apocalypse...
Satirical. He makes me laugh so hard that I squeak. And then do that drunken seal clapping thing.
Tender. Mailing me a dozen roses for our anniversary. Making me metallic roses by hand just because. Talking me to sleep every night. There are so many moments that I catch myself asking whether or not this really is my life.
Unexpected. Most certainly, and in the best possible way.
Valorous. He opens doors, rubs feet, and slays dragons. The whole nine yards.
Wonderful. Like, totally.
Xerothermic. Not really.But do you know how hard it is to find a good adjective that starts with the letter 'X'?!
Youngish. Well, younger than me at any rate. And you always will be! Neener neener!!
Perspicacious. He can read my mind. It's kinda spooky.
Ready. For tomorrow. For any foreseeable issues that may arise. For the zombie apocalypse...
Satirical. He makes me laugh so hard that I squeak. And then do that drunken seal clapping thing.
Tender. Mailing me a dozen roses for our anniversary. Making me metallic roses by hand just because. Talking me to sleep every night. There are so many moments that I catch myself asking whether or not this really is my life.
Unexpected. Most certainly, and in the best possible way.
Valorous. He opens doors, rubs feet, and slays dragons. The whole nine yards.
Wonderful. Like, totally.
Xerothermic. Not really.But do you know how hard it is to find a good adjective that starts with the letter 'X'?!
Youngish. Well, younger than me at any rate. And you always will be! Neener neener!!
No, really, I'm mature.
Zig-a-zig-ah. Because you're what I want. What I really, really want.
Zig-a-zig-ah. Because you're what I want. What I really, really want.

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