Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...
Posted on | Friday, November 26, 2010 | 3 Comments
It's Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. This means two things: Firstly, that people who are truly insane will wait in line at 3am for retail stores to open and go on crazed shopping sprees; Secondly, that it is officially acceptable to put up one's Christmas tree and decorations without the backlashing scorn of neighbors and friends.
(Never mind that these photos were taken on a Wednesday afternoon, I waited until today to post them on my blog)
Our first stop of the day was to Target. It was mostly to watch the massive assemblage of people clamoring for the last can of Who Hash cranberry sauce. Although the fact that the Target nearest to our house has a built in Starbucks was definitely an added bonus. While meandering through the aisles we took a detour to look at Christmas decorations. Can you believe they are selling taffy by the yard?! Holy cow.
Kael and Alex selecting the perfect tree topper. Unbeknownst to many (including myself) this is serious man business. Not just any star or angel will do.

After Target we came home and Alex began to assemble our tree. Although I love the real thing, I don't enjoy the constant clean up of pine needles or the annoyance of dragging a half-dead tree out of the house at the end of December.
Shiny, colorful, and shatter-proof ornaments! Awaiting to be placed carefully on the tree. Gotta love adding a dash of color to the holiday season. Alex went on a quest in search of an elephant ornament, but after going to three Hallmark Stores (two of which apparently didn't exist - GPS you are fail) he came home downhearted and empty-handed. The solution? Make an ornament of course!!

Fun Times,
Things That Make Me Say 'Squee'
- Bread. ICE CREAM bread.
- Icing and Eggnog
- Sugar, sugar
- Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...
- Gobble gobble!
- Gratitude!
- I fangirled so hard I exploded into glitter and ga...
- Dos Cosas
- Boom de yada, boom de yada...
- Hungarian stream of consciousness
- (Soon to be) Husbeast
- Lest We Forget
- And this bird you cannot change
- Henna head
- Pwning the Pad Thai
- Halloween redux
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November 26, 2010 at 5:13 PM
We have that same tree topper!!!
November 26, 2010 at 7:07 PM
what fun! I was just thinking it will soon be time to put ours up. It's beautiful that you are starting Christmas traditions together as a family. My parents still have the same star for their tree that they made 38 years ago out of an empty toilet paper roll and a cigarette package :) Mom wants to get a new one, but we won't let her!
November 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM
We have that same picture of a small boy being lifted up to place the tree topper!