That's Mister Sweet Potato Head, to you!

Posted on | Thursday, April 7, 2011 | No Comments

It seems that I've gotten into the habit of baking chips. Especially when they are made out of things other than russet potatoes. Last week I tried out baked kale chips (yum!), this week I thought I might try a more traditional route. Sweet potatoes! They're healthier for you than regular potatoes, and lower on the glycemic index, so why not?

I washed, peeled, and mandolined two large sweet potatoes and then sliced them into large strips. It's enough to cover two baking sheets, so plan accordingly if you want to cook more or less (I suppose you could also just cut the potatoes into wedges and save some space, too). Can I just say while I'm on this tangent that I love having a mandoline? It makes slicing produce so much easier, not to mention quicker. And you are guaranteed to have uniform slices which means even cooking!

Yes, I get excited about this kind of thing.

All of the recipes I found recommended a glug or two of oil plus any seasonings you might want to add. Remembering how messy making the kale chips was I decided to make clean up easier and just stuff everything into a large ziploc bag and shakeshakeshake. Easy!

My personal mix consists of equal shakes of dried rosemary, dried oregano, cinnamon, and nutmeg along with a good dash of black pepper, cayenne, and brown sugar. It seems like a lot, but the flavors work together wonderfully.

I set my oven to 400* and put my chips on baking sheets covered by parchment paper and left them to bake for about 20 minutes, stirring them halfway through. They'll be browned around the edges a bit gooey when they come out of the oven. After about 10 minutes they crisp up nicely, though. I sprinkled them with a small dash of kosher salt and they were scrumptious. The flavors work together nicely -- sweet and savory with a nice spicey kick.

I wonder what else I can make into baked chips. Parsnips, maybe?



Photobucket I was born and raised in California. I have also lived in Hungary, Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, and I will be moving again this summer. Kael is my incredibly awesome kiddo who is growing up far too quickly, and Alex is my fiance who makes me happier than should be legally allowed. I write about them a lot. I'm mildly obsessed with cooking and photography. I write about those things, too.
