Ten things I love Sunday!
Posted on | Sunday, March 27, 2011 | 2 Comments
This week has been so, so busy. Apologies to anyone who wondered why I hadn't updated this thing in the past week. A term paper had to be written (Russian Literature is quite the challenge I have discovered), a house that desperately need to be cleaned, and a job that required I work lest I go on the hunt for new employment. That's always the one bad thing about going on vacation, it's so disarming when you come back and the real world is there waiting for you.
Anyways, ten things!
1. Finishing Term Papers
Okay, so this obviously is not mine, but you get the drift. I always feel such a sense of relief when I finish a paper. I know that I am good at writing, I know how to articulate my thoughts and I generally make high scores. The only downside to that character trait is it leaves me unable to do a bad job. Which means spending an extra couple of hours writing and editting that could have spent doing far more enjoyable things. The end result is always worth it though. That blossoming sense of accomplishment.
2. Musicals (Put To Film)
I have been blessed with a child that not only tolerates my love for musicals, but enjoys them himself. Mamma Mia is one of his favorites. He calls it the "Dance Boat Movie!" I suppose that is decently accurate. I love that I can put it on and not feel bad about what he is watching (or dancing around the house to) it. And it always puts me in such a great mood.
3. Spring Cleaning
This ties in with finishing that term paper. Suddenly having time on my hands I've come to realize flowers are blooming and spring is definitely here. It's the perfect time of the year to go through everything and toss/give away the things that you have accumulated but never need or use. I scrub everything down and try to be as ruthless as possible. Do I use it? No? Toss it. It takes me over a week to get everything done, but the final result is a wonderfully clean house and the sweet tranquility that comes with having nothing to do.
4. Healthy Eating
So this has nothing to do with the adorable bento lunch pictured above and EVERYTHING to do with these incredible websites I found this week. There are three of them and they're all full of great ideas on how to get your kiddos to eat healthier meals, even when you have a picky eater or two in the house. Thankfully Kael likes whole grains (at least when they are in waffle-form), fruits (apples, strawberries, and grapes!), and veggies (omg carrots, the boy cannot eat enough). But having a larger arsenal of good food is always great. Love it.
5. Boys
I don't say it often enough, but I adore that I have a son. A rough and tumble, in your face, excessively loud boy. A boy that climbs furniture and pretends to be a lion cub. A boy that loves to run and jump and kick soccer balls. I love it. I love having this little bundle of energy in my house and in my heart. Even on days when he is more than I can handle -- and believe me there are plenty of those days -- I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be blessed with a house full of boys. I truly have no idea what I would do with a girl.
6. Knowing What We Eat
This is something that no doubt will have its own blog post soon enough. I have always had an interest in what I put into my body. What I ate. For a time I was vegetarian -- and even vegan -- but as my time (and income) availabillity changed I let that slide back into the "when we have money" list. Organic was replaced with what was cheapest and non-processed foods took a back burner. I hate saying that, but it's true. But! I love this video and that Robyn is talking so openly about what we eat and what we put into our bodies. It's a terrifying thing to know, and once you know it there is no real way to un-know it, but I love this woman for being that person and getting this information out there.
7. Hearts
I know it's cheesy but I love things like this. I think it's wonderfully adorable. A heart-shaped swimming pool?! How can someone NOT love that? Who would ever say, "Nah, I hate heart shaped swimming pools. Rectangles are so much better." No one, that's who!! Besides, every Valentine's Day there's already a venue for some romantic down time, just add some candles and roses. Win/win.
Another great thing about spring, suddenly there is a cornucopia of food at the local Mega Mart. I get so excited -- and often times go way over board in my food purchases -- when I see all the lush colors. I bought three artichokes on Friday (hence the picture). I had one for dinner last night and then another for lunch today. The third one is still chilling in the fridge, but it will be gone by Wednesday no doubt. I have bell peppers, endive, kale, mangoes, bananas... Enough edible folliage to last me the rest of the month! Delicious!
9. Far Off Places
I truthfully have picture upon picture saved on my laptop. Links to places I want to go and see. I don't even know where half of them are, to be honest. I am guessing this place is in Scotland? Maybe? Does anyone recognize it? Every time I think that there is no way I could find another amazing place on this planet, I am proven wrong. I have to say God, you are one amazing architect. I hope I live long enough to see all your handiwork.
10. Fluffy Things
I don't have anything witty to say about this picture. It only oozes super cuteness. I want to do that hand-flappy gleeful flailing thing that women do when they see something exceptionally adorable. Because.... Look at it! A fluffy fuzzy squishable bunny nose nuzzling a stuffed bunny! You can't get much better than that.

Ten Things I Love Sunday
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March 27, 2011 at 4:05 PM
Looks like Botany from Ann McCaffrey's Freedom books to me!(Especially the cover of Freedom's Choice) http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n0/n4618.jpg
March 27, 2011 at 4:22 PM
San Bernardino, Switzerland.