Belated Resolutions
Posted on | Thursday, January 6, 2011 | No Comments
Happy New Year!!!
Yes, yes, I know. It was a week ago or whatever. I was too busy fighting off the plague to make an appearance here in cyber space. Except for maybe a little self-righteous Facebooking that I may or may not have done whilst incapacitated and on antibiotics and NyQuil. I admit to nothing.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to 2011 with joy and excitement. And with perhaps just the tiniest smidgen of apprehension (both at the prospect at such gigantic events that are already unfolding and also the concern regarding whether or not I’ll be able to continue being so incredibly awesome; it’s exhausting you know). I face every situation believing in the best, but I know I could just as likely get struck by lightening/a bus/a rogue piece of shrapnel from an epic ninja fight. Sounds silly, but not entirely impossible, thanks in part to my healthy dose of clumsiness and poor gross motor skill.
Being fully aware of how daunting the idea of a rogue ninja attack could be, I am dedicating this year to living an entirely more positive and great existence. So, how do I intend to spread some super good awesome greatness around this year, you ask?
Let me count the ways…
1. Bettering my budget. Sometime this year I am going to do the No Spend Month (not sure if it should be before or Alex and I get married..). The concept is simple enough, cut spending down to the basic essentials. After paying the bills, I allow myself a very limited budget for anything personal, which includes food, clothing, gas, coffee, and anything else my family wants during the month. I have over the past few months become very lax in my controlling of my superfluous purchases and I think stopping that spending for 31 days could break that habit of trying to look for things that would “improve” my life.
2. Helping myself. This one is a bit tricky, but also a necessity. Not only do I want to become a healthier person, but becoming a person I take pride in. It's simple (in principle); when I look good, I feel good, and when I feel good I don’t drown my sorrows in sugary-sweet-fat-dripping-heaps of culinary pleasures. When I exercise and take care in my body my flare ups come less and my body is happier. I know that bettering myself isn't only about going to the gym or eating a strict diet, it's also about loving the person I am -- something I that I truly need to work on, perhaps even more than losing a few pounds.
3. Being better. Finding what I am good at and what I love and building on it. I think this will mostly be focused on cooking and photography, two things that I know I have a talent for but don't spend nearly enough time cultivating. I am not sure yet how/what I will do, but I think I might dedicate one day a week to both a photography project and a cooking project and blog about each. I might also add some crocheting in there if I can manage it since I would love to build on that hobby as well. Oh, and maybe add studying a new language to that list, too.
4. Staying Clean. Or, at least staying organized. Moving to Alabama gives me the perfect opportunity to overhaul my apartment and rid myself of things I have no value in. I have books, clothes, and knick-knacks that I don't even know how I acquired. I hope to take this whole moving cross-country (and the preparations therein) as an opportunity to truly organize myself/my home. My usual tactic is to attack a closet or a niche of a room only to lose momentum quickly thereafter. Hopefully this year I can rectify this and finally organize my entire house within a decent span of time. And then keep it that way.
I think that four is more than enough for a person as busy as myself. Best of luck to everyone else who is making resolutions of their own!

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