Baking fixes everything
Posted on | Sunday, December 19, 2010 | 3 Comments
This past week has been difficult. Between Kael being hospitalized, having one of my finals almost blow up in my face, issues with an incompetent pediatrician, my autoimmune disease acting up, a certain munchkin accidentally spilling milk all over my netbook, packing/planning for the Las Vegas trip, and a sudden inability to breathe through my nose -- it's no wonder that I had become a blubbering mess.
Thankfully, I discovered over the past few months the catharsis of baking. When I am overwhelmed and stressed there’s no better way to find that deep inner calm than to get lost in a baking project. Sure, I have times when I get in over my head and probably have a meltdown or two, but there’s nothing better than coming home after a hard day and whipping up a batch of cookies. Cookies fresh out of the oven will cure anything.
Which is why Friday evening I decided to make meringue cookies. I have a mixer, eggs, and sugar... and it couldn't be THAT hard, right? I mean, if Emeril could make meringues it shouldn't be that difficult. This mentality would become a highlight of the evening.
I obviously knew nothing about the impressive power of meringue.
Then it was into the oven. This part I followed word for word what the recipe said, after numerous goof ups and improvisations I wasn't about to burn my meringues! I left them to dry out over night and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't be disappointed in the morning.

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December 19, 2010 at 12:30 PM
Mom informs me that it is IMPOSSIBLE to make proper meringue if the weather outside is frightful, no matter how delightful your fire is. If it was rainy, that's probably why they didn't dry right.
December 19, 2010 at 1:05 PM
I did tell him it was impossible (and some recipes will tell you not to attempt it). If, for whatever reason you just HAVE to have a meringue cookie on a rainy day, count on baking them for an additional half hour. If you see them start to brown this means that the sugar is caramelizing, so lower the temperature about 25 degrees.
Yes, those were stiff peaks. The only thing that's really tricky at all about beating egg whites with a mixer (well...two things) is to be careful not to overbeat them. If you overbeat them they will go from your lovely stiff peaks and they will re-liquefy and there is nothing to do at that point except to throw them away and start all over again.
The other thing is to be scrupulous about fat. Fat of any kind in egg whites will impede your progress dramatically. So your bowl and beaters must be very clean. Separate each egg over a small bowl (like you were doing in the picture) in case a yolk breaks because you don't want even a speck of yolk in the white.
Oh -- one more thing, while I'm thinking of it. If you bring the eggs to room temperature first they will beat up higher and fluffier. I have found that it's a little easier to separate them, too, because the white is more liquid-y.
December 19, 2010 at 1:12 PM
Thanks for the tips! I might try to make them again after we get back from Vegas. Hopefully with better results!