I Swear, My Life Is More Than Lunch Dates With Katy
Posted on | Wednesday, October 6, 2010 | 2 Comments
However per our new tradition on Tuesday we got together after work/school and a lunch date which turned quickly into an all-day affair of shenanigans and merriment. Katy said she had heard of another restaurant just off the OU campus called Pad Thai, so we were willing to give it a shot. I haven't had good Thai food in years and Katy was relatively new to such cuisine. Most places near the university are pretty good and cater to a diverse palate and Katy had heard good things about it.
Sadly the restaurant did not live up to its hype. Maybe I have been spoiled by good food for so long that I've become a picky eater. Or maybe they are a sucky restaurant and people in Norman don't know what good Thai food tastes like. I'm biasedly leaning toward the latter.
It looks like it should taste good, right? Don't be deceived.
At least we got fortune cookies to make up for it.
I opened my cookie to this little gem and heard women around the world began screaming for Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson.
Katy's cookie gave a far more conventional fortune.
Next stop was Hobby Lobby. We were in search of yarn so that I might learn to crochet, but we were distracted by the copious amounts of glitter and dancing Santas.
Crochet loot! Heck yeah! I could not stop grabbing yarn and tossing it in the basket with wild abandon. So many colors! Katy said she had created a crafting monster.
Look at all that yarn!!!! This hobby could quickly become more expensive than my cooking experiments. Eek.
Bamboo is awesome stuff. Just in case you didn't know.
We are bamf bamboo ninjas.
Heck yeah.
MORE GLITTER. We could not escape its sparkly clutches!
Katy said that this lady was me. Wavy brown hair, cooking like a fiend, giggling like a possessed hyena, and drinkin' a bottle of wine. Yep, sounds accurate.
To make up for the fail Thai food I took Katy to Il Dolce Gelato. This place is INCREDIBLE. It's one of those Only-In-Oklahoma things. It's family owned and super awesome. They spent a year in Italy learning from Gelato Masters how to make real authentic gelato and then opened shop. They have over two hundred flavors to choose from and it's fantastic. We tried affogato, which is gelato topped with espresso.
It was scrumptious.
And gone far too quickly.
We went back to my apartment and Katy tried to teach me to crochet. I was feeling very proud of myself and my yarmulke-sized beanie until she informed me that my stitches were incorrect and I'd need to rip them out. I've started over again and thus far it's looking more hat-like which is encouraging. Once I finish it I'll post a picture, but considering how slow I am that might take a few more days.
Katy's mother invited us over for dinner so we packed up and had tacos while discussing how awesome food is.
I completely forgot to take a picture of the tacos prior to devouring them. Oops. Here is Kael's taco, which he looked at suspiciously and prodded with a finger. Can you train your children into being foodies or is it a natural born talent?
We also played a few rounds of Wii Dance. Katy kicked all our butts.
Kael got really into it, even if he didn't entirely understand the concept.
I decided to give it a shot even though I have never played on a Wii before. I didn't do too badly considering I had no idea what I was doing and Kael kept climbing all over me.
Un-synchronized Wii dancing.
Tuesdays are quickly becoming my favorite day of the week.

- Eat, drink, and be scary.
- Last minute changes
- The things a person can make from cornmeal and squash
- Happy birthday, Kael
- Four!
- In which we discuss how incredible hollandaise sau...
- Something sweet
- Pain
- Pesto and sewing patterns
- Saving boobs is what we do
- I Swear, My Life Is More Than Lunch Dates With Katy
- Of course hats and cooking go together!
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October 6, 2010 at 1:06 PM
Too bad the Thai food was bad. I love good Thai food. Where in Norman did you guys go? There is a Thai restaurant over by Kael's old daycare and it is not very good. I found a really good Thai restaurant over in Bethany. Glad you had a great day yesterday. How was the job fair today?
October 6, 2010 at 4:26 PM
eeeeeeeeeeee another excellent blog...staring me....eeeeeeeeeee!
motion pictures are go!
currently sitting on my couch in underpants and a t shirt watching the princess and the frog while the fountain soaks in bleach water...for some reason indoor fountains collect massive amounts of ew.